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Riding the Wave of Customer Experience Transformation in Government

Government agencies must reimagine their strategies to deliver personalized, consistent, and meaningful customer experiences in this new era of service delivery.

by Brian Chidester, Global Government Thought Leader & Host of The Government Huddle Podcast

In most of my conversations with customer experience leaders in government, one common theme regularly presents itself; the biggest challenge that these leaders face is institutionalizing the importance of CX within their organization. 

With the incredible conversations and presentations delivered at the Adobe Government Forum in May, we saw a tangible inertia building in support for this primary challenge. We also witnessed an inspiring community being grown within the space.

To build on this momentum, we kicked off the Adobe Gov Experience Tour in Washington, DC, a roadshow that seeks to bring this community together in a purposeful way around the key themes that were apparent from our May event. Leaders from all facets of the Federal government came together to learn and discuss how agencies are transforming government customer experiences through engaging and relevant content. 

Emphasizing the importance of fostering trust and delivering expected outcomes, attendees explored innovative strategies and technologies to create, manage, and personalize content effectively.


As we know, consumers today are accustomed to the convenience and efficiency provided by private sector giants like Amazon and Netflix. They expect similar experiences from government services, including:


  • Personalization: Tailored interactions based on individual needs and preferences.

  • Consistency: Uniform experiences across various touchpoints.

  • Seamlessness: Effortless transitions between different services and channels.


These heightened expectations necessitate a shift in how government agencies engage with their constituents, moving towards more proactive, responsive, and customer-centric approaches.


One common theme expressed by speakers and attendees alike was the desire to deliver exceptional customer experiences by ensuring seamless interactions tailored to constituent needs. Engagements can be broadly categorized into agency-initiated and constituent-initiated moments, each requiring unique approaches and considerations.

Agency-Initiated Moments

Orchestrated by government agencies to engage constituents, agency-initiated moments are opportunities to inform, assist, and build trust with the public. They represent an intentional shift from reactive to proactive service delivery. Instead of waiting for citizens to seek assistance, government agencies use data and technology to anticipate needs and offer support at critical junctures. 

These moments can include a wide range of life experiences, such as:

  • Birth of a Child: When a new child is born, parents need to navigate various services, including birth registration, healthcare enrollment, and childcare support. Proactively providing information and resources can ease this transition.

  • Starting School: Families moving into a new school district or enrolling children in school for the first time can benefit from guidance on registration, transportation, and educational resources.

  • Job Loss or Career Change: During periods of unemployment or career transition, timely information on job training programs, unemployment benefits, and job search resources can be crucial.

  • Retirement: As citizens approach retirement age, proactive communication about healthcare coverage and social services can help them plan more effectively.

  • Natural Disasters: In the event of natural disasters, government agencies can initiate contact with affected individuals to provide emergency assistance, shelter information, and recovery resources.

Digital engagement is at the heart of agency-initiated moments. By harnessing the power of digital technologies, government agencies can create seamless and personalized interactions with citizens. 

For example, governments can leverage data analytics to identify patterns and predict when citizens might need support. By analyzing demographic information, service usage, and historical data, agencies can anticipate life events and tailor their outreach accordingly. 

Adobe enables government agencies to deliver personalized digital experiences at scale by leveraging data insights and machine learning. Our Adobe Analytics tool helps government agencies understand citizen behavior across different channels, providing insights into how citizens interact with services. Agencies can use this data to personalize experiences and improve service delivery.

As technology continues to advance, the potential for agency-initiated moments will only grow. Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT) will enable even more precise and timely interventions. By embracing these innovations, government agencies can further enhance their ability to support citizens throughout their life journeys.

Constituent-Initiated Moments

While agency-initiated moments deliver on the promise of proactive service delivery, constituent-initiated moments are crucial in shaping the overall perception of government efficiency and responsiveness. 

They represent critical touchpoints where governments can make a significant impact on citizens' lives. Through digital engagement, personalized interactions, and proactive support, governments can enhance these moments, ensuring that constituents receive the timely and relevant assistance they need. 

These events often require interaction with multiple services and can include:

  • Applying for Benefits: Citizens may seek unemployment benefits, disability support, or social services during times of need.

  • Starting a Business: Entrepreneurs may require permits, licenses, and guidance on regulations when establishing a new business.

  • Healthcare Needs: Individuals may look for information on health services, insurance options, and medical support during health-related events.

  • Education and Career Changes: Students and job seekers may need assistance with educational resources, financial aid, and job training programs.

  • Retirement Planning: Seniors may seek information on pensions, healthcare, and other retirement-related services.

Adobe is assisting governments in a meaningful way by allowing them to facilitate easy access to information and services. Adobe Experience Manager ensures that government websites and portals are mobile-friendly, providing a seamless experience across devices. 

This tool also helps governments create personalized web and mobile experiences, ensuring that citizens receive relevant content based on their needs and behaviors. And through Adobe Analytics, government agencies can gather and analyze data from various touchpoints, helping them understand citizen interactions and improve service delivery.

Adobe is playing a crucial role in the moments that matter for citizens and allowing governments to deliver more effective and responsive services than ever before. 


What’s Next?

Government agencies must reimagine their strategies to deliver personalized, consistent, and meaningful customer experiences in this new era of service delivery. By proactively engaging constituents through agency-initiated moments and ensuring responsive support during constituent-initiated moments, agencies can build trust, enhance satisfaction, and foster a more positive perception of government services.


Embracing data-driven decision-making, omnichannel engagement, and innovative self-service solutions will be crucial in this transformation journey. As government agencies continue to evolve, the focus must remain on creating seamless and tailored experiences that meet the diverse needs of their constituents.

Brian Chidester is the Head of Industry Strategy at Adobe and the host of "The Government Huddle with Brian Chidester" podcast from GovExec. Mr. Chidester holds a B.S. in Communications Studies from Liberty University, is an Advisory Board Member for Digital Government Central, an advisor to the G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance at the World Economic Forum, and a member of the Forbes Technology Council.

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